Please think carefully
before you adopt!
Please, do your
research and make sure this really is the breed for you before deciding
to adopt an Alaskan Malamute. Don't risk putting a dog through the
trauma of being placed in a home, only to find itself back in the animal
shelter or being passed on to someone else.
Are you aware
that the Alaskan Malamute is
quite likely to:
· not be friendly
towards other pets
· dig up your lawn
and garden
· require very good
fencing and strong gates
· be difficult to
· pull on lead
· run away if let
off lead, doesn’t come when called
· be too strong for
children or the elderly to walk
· hunt other
· not be friendly
to other dogs, particularly those of the same sex
· require a lot of
exercise, obedience training and mental stimulus
· do just about
anything for food (including fighting another dog!)
· shed massive
amounts of hair at certain times of year
· not require much
washing but will need a lot of brushing
· not be a good
guard dog
· not bark much, but
occasionally howl
require an owner
that understands the breed and is firm but fair.
Please read the information on this
website before you make the decision to adopt an Alaskan Malamute.
If you can cope with a dog that could well do all of the above, then
please check out the list of Malamutes needing new homes.