Malamutes for Adoption

Information about Alaskan Malamutes, Malamute rescue, adoption and
a list of Malamutes in Australia needing new homes.
Malamutes for Adoption is a service run by Windchill Dog Gear


Dogs for Adoption

Animal Shelters

Lost & Found

Adopted Dogs

Adopting a Malamute

Success Stories!

About the Malamute

Malamute Activities

In Memory...

8 years ago we lost our friends...

Rob & Tash,
Jorja & Alexis Davey and their Malamutes Neo & Mishk

Sadly lost to us in the Black Saturday fires of
7 February 2009

It may have been 8 years ago that we lost you, but you are still sadly missed,
iving on in our memories...


Lost & Found Alaskan Malamutes               Page last updated:  29/01/2017

If you have lost or found an Alaskan Malamute, please contact the Malamute club or Arctic Breed rescue organisation in your state - see the Animal Shelters page for details

Those who have lost an Alaskan Malamute are advised to contact the following:
- Animal Shelters
- Local vets
- Police
- Council pound

as well as advertising in local papers and posting fliers with a photo of your dog around your area.

Please be aware that Malamutes and Huskies can travel a great distance in a short space of time, so check neighbouring councils and all animal shelters.

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